How to get rid of a sore throat

How to get rid of a sore throat – Pharyngitis, or sore throats, are among the most prevalent medical conditions, particularly in the winter. Typically, illnesses like the common cold, flu, and strep throat are to blame. Although they can be very uncomfortable, they frequently go away within a week.

Experiencing a sore throat can be difficult. Every cough makes you wince, and your saliva slides down your throat like sandpaper. All you can think about is getting that lump in the back of your throat to disappear.

To relieve the discomfort, however, you must first identify the underlying cause of your sore throat, which may be due to dry air, smoking, acid reflux, viral illnesses like the flu or common cold, or bacterial infections like strep.

According to Chester Griffiths, MD, an otolaryngologist at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California, a viral infection typically has additional symptoms including muscle pains and weariness in addition to your sore throat. On the other hand, Dr. Griffiths notes that with a bacterial infection, the pain is typically more concentrated in your throat and the discomfort is typically quite bad. You might also experience severe swallowing pain in addition to a high fever.

According to Jason Abramowitz, MD, an ENT and Allergy Associates specialist who treats ear, nose, and throat conditions, exposure to smoking, inhaling dry air, and experiencing acid reflux frequently feel “quite different” from infections. Patients typically don’t feel as ill overall, and their pain is also typically not as intense, according to him.

The good news is that Brett Comer, MD, a head and neck surgeon at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, says drinking warm tea and sucking on cough drops or zinc lozenges can usually relieve the irritation and inflammation in your throat that are giving you pain.

However, some of your go-to home cures might only be temporarily disguising the discomfort. Next time you’re feeling under the weather and have a sore throat, try one of these top over-the-counter remedies.

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1. Gargle with salt water—but steer clear of apple cider vinegar.

How to get rid of a sore throat

Due to its ability to lessen swelling, calm inflammation, and soothe irritation, salt water is a fantastic at-home treatment for sore throats. Additionally, it might assist in bringing irritations or infections to the throat’s surface, where your body will be better able to handle them. Mia Finkelston, MD, a family physician with a practice in Maryland who also sees patients via LiveHealth Online, advises mixing 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water and gargling once every hour to two hours. Although you may have heard that gargling with apple cider vinegar has a similar effect, Dr. Comer advises that you should definitely avoid this method for the time being. Whether or not apple cider vinegar may treat viral or bacterial sore throats is unknown, he says, although there is little doubt that it has antibacterial and possibly antifungal qualities in lab trials. Additionally, there may be serious problems if vinegar is used repeatedly on dental enamel because vinegar is acidic and can harm tooth enamel.

2. How to get rid of a sore throat by Drink extra-cold liquids.

Those initial swallows might not be enjoyable. But according to Dr. Finkelston, sipping chilly liquids will both numb your throat and reduce some of the inflammation that is causing you pain. This is similar to how freezing a sprained ankle can reduce pain and prevent swelling.

3. Suck on an ice pop.

How to get rid of a sore throat

A popsicle can be just as helpful in reducing throat inflammation if you become tired of drinking ice water. Just be careful to avoid citrus flavors since they might cause acid reflux and increase your symptoms.

4. Fight dry air with a humidifier.

How to get rid of a sore throat

Your recuperation time may be slowed down by dry air irritation. Restoring moisture to the air helps ease any discomfort, as can taking a hot shower or using a humidifier. According to Dr. Abramowitz, the mucous membranes in the nose and throat enjoy dampness. Steam offers warmth and moisture, which aids in calming the vocal cords and reducing edema. According to him, the moisture in your nose can also aid in the removal of mucus and other debris that may contribute to the issue.

Prior to using your humidifier, make sure to clean it. According to a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSP) safety advisory, if a humidifier’s water tank isn’t cleaned, bacteria and fungi can grow there and then be pumped into the air. Even while it might not hurt your throat, this could worsen allergies or asthma or trigger flu-like symptoms.

5. Skip acidic foods.

How to get rid of a sore throat

According to Dr. Comer, acid reflux, which happens when stomach acids enter the throat, is a typical cause of sore throats. This implies that everything you do to aggravate acid reflux could prolong or make a sore throat worse. Dr. Comer advises staying away from drink, fried meals, and citrus fruits like oranges and lemons as a result. Additionally, avoid eating anything an hour before bed. Eating just before going to sleep might cause reflux and heartburn.

6. Swallow antacids.

According to Dr. Finkelston, taking antacids or other reflux medications may aid with pain relief if you believe acid reflux is the cause of your sore throat. Try an over-the-counter antacid like Tums or Mylanta as a first line of defense.

7. How to get rid of a sore throat by Sip herbal teas.

How to get rid of a sore throat

The latest spice that you should add to your diet is turmeric. While some of its advantages, such as its ability to prevent cancer or brain illnesses, still need further study, Dr. Finkelston notes that some of its anti-inflammatory properties are well-established and may help you get rid of your sore throat. Pour a few dashes into your tea or gargle with salt water.

If you want a different flavor, you can also try other teas. According to Dr. Abramowitz, “many herbal teas have a beneficial immunological effect and aid our body in fighting infection.” He advises picking a tea with echinacea because research has shown that it can strengthen your immune system. (See here for a list of our top teas for sore throat relief.)

8. Coat and soothe your throat with honey.

How to get rid of a sore throat

There’s a good reason why honey is used frequently in teas and cough syrups: It coats your throat to lessen inflammation, has antimicrobial effects, and gives your cup some much-needed sweetness. Simply mix a spoonful with some warm water or tea and consume until your symptoms start to subside. Just bear the following in mind if you get acid reflux: According to Dr. Abramowitz, honey can be acidic, making it unsuitable for those suffering from severe acid reflux.

9. Pop a pain reliever to get rid of a sore throat

According to Dr. Finkelston, ibuprofen can assist in reducing the coughing and throat clearing that impedes the healing of your sore throat. Simply remember to take your ibuprofen with food and as directed on the packaging.

10. Try a nasal decongestant.

How to get rid of a sore throat

Use an over-the-counter medication decongestant nasal spray or drops to clear up airways if part of the reason you’re breathing through your mouth is that your nose is blocked, such Afrin or Vicks. Nasal decongestants are effective at reducing nasal congestion and drying up mucus, according to Dr. Abramowitz. This can improve your mood and lessen postnasal drip. But you should just use it for a few of days.

11. Give your voice a rest.

You probably overused your vocal chords if you experienced a painful throat after shouting and applauding at a concert or athletic event. Rest is the best remedy for any stressed muscle. Walking on it hurts, comparable to a sprained ankle, according to Dr. Griffiths. Speaking while moving your throat a lot aches as well.

But that doesn’t mean you have to whisper. Your voice is strained more by this than by speaking. Instead, try speaking at a reduced level until the hoarseness and pain go away.

12. Toss your toothbrush.

How to get rid of a sore throat

You wouldn’t believe it, but your toothbrush can be contributing to or even initiating your sore throat. As you brush, bacteria build up on the bristles, and any damage to your gums introduces these microorganisms into your body. Throw away your toothbrush as soon as you feel sick. That often suffices to halt the sickness in its tracks. To stop the spread of the infection, Dr. Abramowitz advises patients with bacterial throat infections to often change their toothbrushes.

Replace your brush as you start to feel better and once you are fully recovered if you do become ill. It prevents you from spreading the infection again.

13. Alleviate your allergies.

How to get rid of a sore throat

Pollen, indoor molds, or dust mite allergies are examples of airborne allergens that can result in chronic low-grade throat discomfort. Postnasal drip, which can cause throat discomfort, is frequently brought on by allergies, according to Dr. Abramowitz. Take a non-sedating over-the-counter allergy medication with cetirizine hydrochloride, like Zyrtec or Claritin, to start. Even if it appears to be helpful, Dr. Abramowitz advises getting your allergies tested so you can identify the problem.

14. Take time to recharge to get rid of a sore throat.

Get some rest because your immune system will struggle to help you heal if you’re overly worried and exhausted. According to Dr. Finkelston, spending time in bed or getting away from daily stresses like work, caring for the kids, and housework can help your immune system recover. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, minimum.

15. How to get rid of a sore throat by take a steam shower.

How to get rid of a sore throat

According to Dr. Griffiths, steam helps to humidify your airways. He claims that any form of humidification can ease symptoms. According to him, the tissues in your throat normally generate mucus, but when they are enlarged, they can become dry and itchy. By replenishing the area with moisture, humidity can help calm the affected area.

16. Elevate your head when you sleep.

How to get rid of a sore throat

This offers certain benefits. According to Dr. Griffiths, lying flat on your back puts more strain on your neck and may make throat symptoms worse. According to him, supporting oneself might help you feel better and relieve pressure. Elevating your head can also assist gravity keep your stomach acids where they belong—in your stomach—if you suffer from acid reflux.

When to see a doctor how to get rid of a sore throat

The bacterial infection known as strep throat is excruciatingly painful and may appear unexpectedly. Fortunately, one course of a suitable antibiotic usually effectively treats the great majority of bacterial infections, including strep. Because there are so many potential causes of sore throats, some symptoms (which ENT and Allergy specialize in) call for medical attention. These consist of:

  • persistent, severe, or recurrent sore throats
  • breathing, swallowing, or mouth-opening challenges
  • joint discomfort, ear pain, or a neck lump
  • Rash or a temperature of more than 101°F
  • Hoarseness that lasts for two weeks or more
  • You have throat white spots (look with a flashlight)
  • Blood in the phlegm or saliva