How to potty train a puppy

How to potty train a puppy. One of the most crucial initial steps you can take for a long, happy life together is learning how to toilet train puppies at the proper time and location. One of the main causes of dog homelessness or shelter admission is house soiling. Few people are ready to put up with a dog who rips up carpeting and leaves a smelly mess for you to clean up after a long day at work.

Because of this, it’s crucial that you conduct some study on how to house train a dog in advance, choose the approach that will be most effective for you, and create a plan.

According to Mary Burch, Ph.D., director of the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen and S.T.A.R. Puppy programs, there are tried-and-true techniques for training your puppy. These consist of:

  • training in crates
  • Paper practice
  • toilet training inside

Regular outdoor walks are also beneficial.

Each has advantages and disadvantages, according to Dr. Burch, but if you follow a few fundamental guidelines, such as:

  • controlling the nutrition of your dog
  • maintaining a regular schedule for outdoor excursions, feeding, and exercise
  • recommending frequent exercise since it improves motility
  • encouraging your dog to “go outside”
  • Have the appropriate training materials on hand

Let’s delve more into a few of these ideas.

Crates Rank High as a Potty Training Tool

Many people who are unfamiliar with dogs cringe at the thought of putting their puppies in crates, but after a few days of sharing a home with a new pet, most people are willing to use this method. Crates for dogs make life simpler. Getting your dog used to one is an excellent idea for a variety of reasons, including vet appointments, travel, recuperation, and safety.

Because they are den animals, dogs will look for a small cave to themselves for safety whether you give them one or not. Because of this, teaching your dog to enjoy her kennel should be rather simple.

Dogs are highly clean animals, and they don’t like having a rug covered in pee in their living places any more than you do. This is the underlying idea of utilizing a crate for housetraining. The crate needs to be just the appropriate size for the dog to be able to lie down, stand up, and turn around. If the space is too big, the dog will feel free to relieve himself in one corner before contentedly settling down somewhere away from the mess. There are partitions in many crates, allowing you to change the size as your puppy grows.

The puppy usually lets you know when she needs something by whining and scratching. She uses that as a signal to indicate that she must leave her tiny den. Now! Don’t wait because if you do, your dog will learn that it’s acceptable to destroy her living place and lose control in her crate. She will then have no qualms about scattering tiny packages throughout your home as well.

How to potty train a puppy

Puppy Pads and Paper Training

Using puppy pads and paper for training might be “tricky because you’re encouraging two different possibilities for the dog,” according to Dr. Burch. Puppies would ideally learn to hold it indoors and only go potty in designated areas outside. However, there are some situations that can call for a little ingenuity, such as for a person whose employment prevents them from returning home frequently or for a tiny puppy living in a harsh winter climate. A dog has the choice to relieve herself in an authorized location at home thanks to puppy pads. There are also cutting-edge indoor dog restrooms that accommodate both male and female canines. After the dog reaches adulthood, the owner can strive to train the animal to relieve herself outside all the time.

Create a Housetraining Schedule for Your Puppy

Success with housetraining depends on it. Puppy bladders are very small, and water easily passes through them. Solid matter operates in a similar manner. Make sure you are providing your puppy plenty of chances to behave properly.

A decent rule of thumb is that dogs can regulate their bladders for up to nine months to a year, or the number of hours that correspond to their age in months. (Keep in mind, though, that anyone can’t hold it for more than 10 to 12 hours.) It is reasonable to anticipate that a 6-month-old puppy can hold it for around 6 hours. Keep in mind that every puppy is unique, thus the timing will vary for each.

When creating a timetable, keep an eye on everyday activities and your puppy’s routine. When a puppy is very young, you should anticipate taking it outside:

  • First thing in the morning
  • Last thing at night
  • After playing indoors
  • After spending time in a crate
  • Upon waking up from a nap
  • After chewing a toy or bone
  • After eating
  • After drinking

This might cause you to rush to the playground, backyard, or street at least 12 times in a day. Make a plan to stick to that schedule if you work, such as taking your dog to the workplace or hiring a dog walker. You’ll be able to close this sticky chapter faster if you can quickly explain that there is an acceptable spot to use the restroom and that some places are off-limits.

Observation and Supervision

You must keep a close eye on your puppy to spot unique rhythms and signals. It’s possible that some puppies can hold it for longer than others. Every time they play or become excited, some people will have to leave. Some people will pause while playing, urinate, and then resume playing. Canine toilet habits are quite distinctive, just like those of newborn humans.

How to potty train a puppy: Control the Diet

How to potty train a puppy

Puppies can’t actually handle a lot of food because their digestive systems are still developing. It is advised that you divide the puppy feeding schedule into three smaller meals because of this. The food itself should be of the best quality, which is another consideration. Make sure your puppy is comfortable with whatever you decide.

The best technique for a dog owner to determine whether it’s time for a diet adjustment for their dog is to examine the dog’s stool. It might be time to talk to your veterinarian about moving to a new food if your puppy routinely passes smelly, loose, and bulky feces. Additionally, overeating may result in diarrhea, which will make housebreaking more difficult.

How to potty train a puppy: Praise

It won’t accomplish anything to scold a puppy for destroying your rug after the fact; all it will do is make her believe you’re crazy. Similar to this, certain ancient punishment techniques, like rubbing a dog’s snout in her feces, are so absurd that it’s difficult to fathom how they came to be and if they have ever been effective for anyone. The greatest approach, though, is to compliment a puppy for acting morally in all of your future interactions. Every time she does this easy, natural behavior, make her feel like a tiny canine Einstein. Be gushing in your admiration; clap, cheer, and toss cookies.  Tell her that this pee is the most significant accomplishment that has ever been made—not landing on the moon, splitting the atom, or creating coffee. Give your dog one of his favorite goodies as a reward. Make sure they are small and digestible for your puppy.

Dr. Burch advises not to cause a scene if your dog has an accident; instead, simply wipe up the mess. To ensure that the dog won’t utilize the fragrance again, use a cleanser that also neutralizes scents. Before cleaning the rug, blot up any spills on the carpet.

Pick up the dog and run outdoors as soon as you see her squatting to urinate or fecate. Give her attention and praise if she completes the task outside. Keep in mind that prevention is the key when it comes to housetraining.

How to potty train a puppy: Housetraining Problems

Corgi using a wet pad to potty train a puppy

A well-trained puppy will typically result from adhering to these guidelines. But occasionally things don’t go as expected.

According to Dr. Burch, house soiling might occasionally be an indication of a medical problem. “A dog who has proven tough to housetrain should have a good veterinary workup well before the several month mark,” she advises. Find a trainer or behaviorist who has dealt with this problem if your veterinarian determines that your dog is healthy.

The following are some typical grievances that trainers claim they have heard:

“My lapdog is piddling all over the house!”. Those who own toy dogs frequently experience this. Some dog trainers advise educating young dogs to utilize indoor potty areas in a manner similar to how cats use litter boxes. There are actual dog toilet boxes for indoor use in addition to puddle pads. According to other trainers, a small dog can be house trained with consistency. Simply put, it can require a little more time, focus, and effort.

“My dog keeps peeing in the same spot where she had an accident.” That’s most likely because you didn’t thoroughly clean up the mess, and there is still some stink there, indicating that this is a perfect location for a restroom. Make sure you have lots of pet stain enzymatic cleaners in your new puppy supply kit, and be sure to use them according to the directions.

“I gave her the run of the apartment. When I came home, there was a mess.” A lot of dog owners make this error. They prematurely declare triumph after spotting some early indications that the dog is beginning to understand. Maintain the timetable even if the puppy constantly complies with your wishes to make sure the desired behaviors are imprinted.

“He’s soiling his crate!”. Dogs who arrive from pet stores, shelters, or other places where they have been kept for a long time and have had no choice but to relieve themselves in their kennels will frequently foul their crates, according to Dr. Burch. Going back to the beginning with crate and house training would be the best course of action. The steps are as follows:

  • Examine your dog’s urinary and bowel control outside of the kennel.
  • regulating diet and schedule with care.
  • Make regular trips outside, such as those right after meals, in the morning, and in the evening.
  • Consider hiring a dog walker if you work.
  • Remove all scents by cleaning the area thoroughly.

How Long Does Puppy Potty Training Take?

That can vary greatly, according to Dr. Burch. There are several things to think about, including your tactics and consistency, age, learning background, and other considerations. Developmentally speaking, a puppy at 8 weeks old is considerably different from a puppy at 5 months old. Some puppies develop impeccable manners in a matter of days. Others can take months, particularly if the dog was in an unfavorable setting before coming to you. But most dogs are teachable with time and effort.