Easy Sheet Pan Vegan Fajitas

             Roasted vegetables and a homemade seasoning blend are used to make Tex-Mex Vegan Fajitas. Since they are prepared on a sheet pan in the oven as opposed to a skillet, there is no need to stand over the stovetop to prepare them. For a complete meal, serve them with tortillas, a side of beans, and your preferred toppings.

Easy Sheet Pan Vegan Fajitas

   I can still clearly recall the first time I encountered fajitas in Mexican eateries. Hearing the sound of the sizzling plate of food moving closer to the table was quite exciting. It was enjoyable to choose the ingredients and prepare a DIY supper by rolling them in a tortilla and adding your preferred toppings.
Even though I still order them from restaurants, creating your own veggie fajitas in the oven at home is very simple. This dish is great with any of your favorite seasonal vegetables that you typically roast.
Why this recipe is great

  • Despite using only 5 ingredients, the seasoning has an incredible flavor (plus salt and pepper).
  • You can alter it by using your preferred vegetables or any that you have on hand.
  • It can be prepared in many mouthwatering ways.


– I enjoy making fajitas using asparagus and mushrooms in addition to the conventional bell peppers and onions. Additionally, you can use eggplant, cauliflower, and zucchini.
– While most stores sell packets of fajita seasoning, it’s really simple to make your own with a few herbs and spices, salt, and pepper. And the most of these are probably already in your pantry: – chili powder
– paprika
– ground cumin
– garlic powder
– oregano
Although any oregano can be used, I like Mexican oregano in this recipe because of its flavors.

Dried Oregano originating from Mexico

  • Derived from Mexico’s finest farms
  • The flavor of fresh whole leaf oregano is more potent and robust than that of Italian or Mediterranean oregano.
  • Zippered bag


  1. Sliced veggies, olive oil, and seasoning mix should all be mixed together in a big basin.
  2. On two sheet pans, spread them out in a single layer. (To make cleanup easier, line the pans with parchment paper.)
  3. Roast till fork-tender and just browned.
  4. With warmed tortillas and your preferred toppings, serve right away. Serving suggestions

    Small flour or maize tortillas are traditionally used to serve fajitas. Then you can garnish them with guacamole, vegan cheese, sour cream, spicy sauce, and fresh salsa.
Sliced avocados go nicely with fajitas, but I prefer them with homemade guacamole on top. Additionally, I frequently add some spiced black beans to my fajitas or serve them on the side.
You can prepare your fajitas as lettuce wraps if you don’t want to use tortillas. Or incorporate them into quinoa burrito bowls. These roasted, seasoned veggies taste great with rice and beans, on a bed of greens, or just as a side dish.
Storing and freezing
  Any leftovers should be covered and kept in the fridge for up to 5 days. Or you could freeze them for up to three months.
Remove the vegetables from the baking pans and let them cool fully before freezing. After that, freeze them within a lidded container that is freezer-safe. Allow the container to defrost in the refrigerator overnight when you’re ready to consume them

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